All about me
My name is Tyliaha...obviously; Born on the 2nd of June 2004. I am the eldest of 9 children. Being the eldest has a lot of "responsibility" and plus you don't have time to live your life because you're always helping with your siblings or whatever. I'm a really cool and chill person. If you no me, you know that I have no filter and that I don't care what I say or whom I say it to. I might seem mean, that's always people's first impression of me but I'm really not, that's just my personality I guess. If you my friend or family then I'll ride for you until the day I die unless you give me a reason not to. I like jokes and laughing really loud. I like horror, comedy, romantic, and action movies. I reeeeally like chocolate and anyone who knows me knows that I get sugar high and hyper when I eat chocolate. I love animals so so much... no matter what animal it is.